Initial Commit

Posted on Jan 31, 2021
tl;dr: First entry on this blog explaining what technical greatness will be shared here by yours truly. This series is more of a collection of tools, references and practices for me. If you find something useful feel free to use it.


First of all this a GNU/Linux - and mostly openSUSE - focused technical blog with a bunch of know-how, tools, personal recommendations. Recently had this realization that the content I’m keeping in my QOwnNotes would be a little bit more valuable if…

  • would be available publicly,
  • would be DDG/Google searchable,
  • ..I could just link to it when I’m helping others AkA “laziness”.

Being active in different communities, I run into a lot of repeated questions. How to do this, how to do that, what would be an ideal setup for xyz. So instead of searching for the answer in QOwnNotes or in the messaging history I could just send a link to the corresponding entry here.

However, this first post serves a few purpose. First it is explaining in a nutshell what is YAL/TB about. Secondly, this very page will contain a list below from wich I will pick subjects to write about in a bit more detail and will change that list as well to provide me with a clear guide of what I want to put here. Lastly, I desperately need to practice technical writing or writing in general.


A list of items/topics to be covered here in no particular order:

  • Security
    • Securing Linux boxes
    • Audit tools
    • Log management and analysis
    • GPG
    • Full-disk encryption
    • Password management and password hygiene
  • Networking
    • TCP/IP and OSI model
    • Devices (SOHO+)
    • Subnetting
    • VLAN, bridge, VPN/ overlay network
    • NAT and Haripin-NAT
    • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Containers
    • Podman
    • Podman pods
    • Podman auto-update
    • Podman systemd
    • Accessing services publicly (reverse proxy)
  • Automation
    • Ansible
    • Bash scripting
    • Python
  • Git
  • Generic
    • Server setup with openSUSE
    • Hybrid cloud
    • openSUSE MicroOS
    • openSUSE Tumbleweed
    • openSUSE tools (YaST, OBS etc.)
    • KVM server
    • NAS server setup (zfs, nfs, smb)
    • Compiling from source
    • CLI tools (network monitoring, disk usage, performance stats etc.)